Safe Schools

School Name

2024-2025 Safe and Inclusive School Planlearning triangle

Our school is committed to providing all students with a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment free from bullying and harassment that promotes respect, acceptance, and empathy.

Staff, students, parents and caregivers, and community partners will work together as a team to help make our school safe and welcoming for everyone.

The Safe and Inclusive School Plan highlights some of the key actions that our school community will put in place as part of our bullying prevention and intervention efforts.

Key Priorities and Goals

This year we are focusing on self-regulation and peer-to-peer relationships. 

We are doing this to strengthen peer relationships and broaden our conflict resolution skills, especially in social situations. Our data tells us that we don’t know how to disagree in a respectful manner and struggle to regulate when we have big emotions.

 Key Actions or Strategies
  • Staff will continue to implement Restorative Practices at a classroom and whole school level at activity breaks and extra-curricular activities
  • Students will take part in creating role play and script models for conflict resolution, as well as modelling self-regulation strategies
  • Creation of leadership opportunities for junior & intermediate students to support younger students

Community and Home Connections

  • Ask your child about Ask your child about role plays they are doing in class or seeing at monthly assemblies. Refer to the Restorative Practices guide sent home.
  • Talk with your child about what they are feeling & how they can handle those emotions at home. What makes them feel calm?  What helps them focus?
  • Be sure to check out the resources shared in our Week at a Glance message, Parent Teacher Association meetings, & Facebook.

Elgin Court Public School
254 First Ave
St. Thomas, ON  N5R 4P5

Tel: 519-631-7118
Fax: 519-631-3515