About Us

Welcome to Elgin Court Public School

Elgin Court Public School is part of the Thames Valley District School Board. It is a Kindergarten to Grade 8 school located in the south end of St. Thomas and is part of the Parkside Community of Schools. Our two-story building, built in 1958, is home to approximately 340 students. We have approximately 40 staff members that provide a wide range of programs to meet the interests of our students including academic pursuits, the arts, as well as intramural and extramural athletics. Our school Parent-Teacher Association, PTA, is very active, holding several fundraising activities throughout the school year. The PTA works closely with our school staff to support a variety of initiatives to meet the needs of our school population.

Elgin Court - Home of the Coyotes!

254 First Avenue
St. Thomas, Ontario
N5P 4P5
Phone: 519-631-7118
Fax: 519-631-3515

Principal: Katie Jeffries
Vice Principal:  Samantha Hart
Administrative Assistant: Jodi Toogood

Superintendent: Paul Sydor
Trustees: M. Ruddock, B. Smith


Additional Information: 

Personal Electronic Device Use

Please see the full cell phone policy by clicking here.


Dress Code
Please click here to see the TVDSB Guidelines for Dress Policy
Emergency Drills
Emergency drills are an important part of the school routine.  Fire, Severe Weather, and Lockdown drills must be completed as scheduled throughout the school year.  Schools must hold six fire drills each year, (three in the Fall and three in the Spring), two severe weather drills, and two lockdown drills.  Students are expected to listen closely to the directions given by their educators and respond in a safe and orderly manner to any drill.  Students should wear indoor shoes at all times in case of an emergency.
Emergency School Closure

Should the school be declared closed due to an emergency or inclement weather, announcements will be made on the local radio stations. These radio messages will be broadcast starting at 7:00 a.m., or when appropriate, if the school day has already begun.  Our school website also has the most up-to-date information.   

In the event that students are at school, they will be dismissed according to your wishes written on the Emergency School Closure Form. Please be sure to update this information should it change during the school year. In such an emergency, do not call the school; we need the phone lines to contact parents.  Information will be broadcast via School Messenger by phone call, text, and email to the contacts on file at the school.  

Illness or Injury
It is our policy to make a sick or injured child as comfortable as possible. In the event your child becomes ill or is injured at school, a school staff member will contact you or your designated alternative contacts.  If necessary, your child will be transported by ambulance to hospital before reaching you.  All reasonable attempts will continue to be made to contact you.  It is very important that we have correct and current contact information on file. Please be sure to notify our school administrative assistant whenever any contact information changes.
Lost and Found
The school cannot accept responsibility for items brought from home. Therefore, students should leave valuable items at home.  A “Lost and Found” box is located in the foyer near the Library Learning Commons entrance. Students and parents are invited to check the box for lost items at their convenience. Name labels, or your child’s initials written on clothing, will help us return items to the rightful owner.  Items not claimed are donated to a charitable organization.
Lunchroom Expectations

Students who regularly stay for lunch require a note to leave school grounds and can only do so during the second nutrition break (1:30 p.m. to 2:10 p.m.). During the lunch period, students are expected to remain in their seats and speak quietly while they eat.  At the end of the lunch period, they are to clean up their lunch area and wait to be dismissed.

Only students in grades 6,7 and 8 who have permission in the Parent Portal will be allowed to leave daily. Students leaving are asked to sign out at the office and leave through the front door. When returning to school, students, will remain off school property until the entry bell and will join their class lines before entering the school.

Parking at School

Students should be dropped off at the back gate (Holland Avenue). Many parents and visitors to our school use the church parking lot located on Holland Avenue directly behind the school to pick up and drop off their children. If you must use the front driveway to drop off your child, please pull as closely to the north yard entrance (closest to the Medical Centre) as possible. Grade 1-8 students should enter the yard through this north gate.

Families of kindergarten students are asked to drop off their children at the rear of the school (Holland Avenue entrance) as well. Staff will be at this location to greet all students.

Parking in front of the school is limited. Please park in the designated visitor spaces when entering the school. The driveway in front of the school is deemed a fire lane and is a “No Parking Zone”.   

Please do not park in the designated accessible parking spaces unless you have a permit.

School Bus Expectations

School bus transportation may be provided for students eligible for transportation to and from their home address.  Students should be at their designated stop location ten minutes before the scheduled time.  For safety, at the end of the day, kindergarten students will be returned to the school if an adult is not at the bus stop to meet them. 

School bus safety is a top priority.  Students will only be transported on their designated bus and pick-up and drop-off locations will be at designated stop locations only.  Special or custom service is not provided.

Riding the bus is a privilege, not a right, and there are expectations for both the parent/guardian and student.  These expectations and information regarding bus services, policies and school bus delays and cancellations are available on the website of the Southwestern Ontario Student Transportation Service (S.T.S.) at www.mybigyellowbus.ca

School Hours

Office Hours - 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

School Hours

8:45 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.                      Supervised Yard
9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.                    First Instructional Block
11:00 a.m. to 11:25 a.m.                  Nutrition Break #1
11:25 a.m. to 11:50 a.m.                  Activity Break #1
11:50 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.                    Second Instructional Block
1:30 p.m. to 1:50 p.m.                      Nutrition Break #2
1:50 p.m. to 2:10 p.m.                      Activity Break #2
2:10 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.                      Third Instructional Block
3:30 p.m.                                            Dismissal
3:30 p.m. to 3:40 p.m.                      Supervised Yard


School Yard

Routines on the Yard

Supervision for our school day begins at 8:45 a.m. 

All students are:

  • expected to demonstrate "Safety First and Respect Always"  at all times.  
  • expected to respect the yard boundaries and play in the areas to which their grade has been assigned.
  • expected to stay on the playground and not leave the property to retrieve a ball, etc., unless they have been given permission by a staff member. 
  • expected to respect equipment and play safely.  Games that involve tackle and rough play are not allowed. 
  • expected to walk bicycles on the yard and to secure their bicycles at the bike racks located on the north yard.  Bike racks are considered out of bounds during the school day and are to be accessed by those only bringing a bicycle to school. 
  • expected to use snow for building and creating with.  Snow is not to be thrown, kicked, etc. towards another person or object.
  • expected to follow the directions of supervising staff.
Visiting the School

We are happy to welcome guests to our school.  Please keep in mind that we are a learning environment and unexpected visits should be avoided. Family members bringing lunches, books, etc., for students, are asked to ring the doorbell at the front of the school, and staff will come to assist you. Our school administrative assistant will have these items delivered to classes at an appropriate time so learning is not disrupted. If you are picking up your child for an appointment, please ring the doorbell at the front of the school. A staff member will inform your child's teacher and your child will come to you. 

Learning is in progress until 3:30 p.m. Students will be dismissed at the back of the school. All parents who are picking up their children are asked to wait on the grassy area at the back of the school. Please stay off the tarmac area at the back of the school, and do not enter at the front gate and cross the tarmac to the back of the school. Although this may seem inconvenient, following these procedures ensures that students can be dismissed safely to the appropriate parent or guardian. Thank you for complying with these measures to ensure student safety.

Elgin Court Public School
254 First Ave
St. Thomas, ON  N5R 4P5

Tel: 519-631-7118
Fax: 519-631-3515
Email: elgincourt@tvdsb.ca